About DCOS
Consider joining us • Beginners Welcome!
Deep Cut Orchid Society, Inc. (DCOS), is an educational nonprofit group, formed by people who love orchids and enjoy sharing their enthusiasm (some say obsession) with others. We are the largest and most active orchid club in the NY Metro area with > 100 members from novice to expert grower. DCOS hosts monthly meetings, local greenhouse tours and other orchid related events and trips. Our annual DCOS Orchid Show and Sale is the largest orchid show in the NY area and has exhibitors and vendors from all over the world. We also host an amazing, HUGE Orchid Auction each year where people from all around show up to bid on hundreds of orchids sourced from some of the finest growers in the world.
We are a friendly group that meets monthly to share in its love of orchids. Our members truly enjoy helping others understand how to successfully grow and care for orchids. Our meetings are free to anyone interested to find out more. Membership is only $40/yr per family! Contact us at deepcutorchids@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Monthly Members Meeting
DCOS normally meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Monmouth Reform Temple.
332 Hance Ave, Tinton Falls, NJ NJ 07724
Each meeting includes
A World class speaker presenting on an orchid related topic
A large Show table with a wide assortment of beautiful blooming orchids brought in by members to show off and discuss
Free snacks and beverages
Door prizes
Orchids for sale
Monthly Meeting Format
Doors open at 6:30 pm
7-7:30pm - Refreshments, Plant sales and socializing
7:30 - 8:15- Show table review* which includes discussion of plant quality, parentage and culture.
8:15pm Door Prize Drawing
8:30pm 9:30pm Speaker Presentation with expert Q & A
*All members are encouraged to bring their blooming orchids for sharing at the Show Table
Annual Events
DCOS is renowned for hosting two world class events each year, our amazing auction, and our international orchid show and sale.
Society Objectives
The Societies objectives of are to promote and aid in the development, improvement and worldwide conservation of Orchids; to disseminate information concerning the culture, hybridization or development of orchids; and generally to extend the knowledge, production, use and appreciation of orchids of any kind.
This organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and/or scientific purposes under section 501(c) (3) of the IRS.
Deep Cut Orchid Society is entrusted to its all-volunteer Board of Directors, which includes its Officers and Trustees . DCOS's strength and sustainability stems from its rich history and strong culture of volunteerism. In addition to serving on the board in some capacity, members have nearly a dozen different committees to choose from to contribute to our success. Our organization is proud of our diversity and inclusiveness.
Every member of the Board is an elected position who shall serve terms of two years, and may not hold a position for more than two full consecutive terms. A Trustee can also serve as a committee chair. On even numbered years the following Board positions are to be elected: the President and Vice-President, up to 3 Trustees. On odd numbered years the following Board positions are to be elected: the Secretary and Treasurer, up to 3 Trustees
Board of Directors Meetings
Per the DCOS by-laws the Board of Directors will meet at least 6 times per program year. Meetings are open to the general membership and members are offered an opportunity to bring feedback and suggestions directly to the board. Meetings are typically held at 7pm, on the 4th Tuesday of each month, usally over Zoom.
Governing Documents
Deep Cut Orchid Society is governed by its official By-Laws, which are on file with the appropriate regulatory bodies to ensure transparency, and compliance with regulations governing 501(C)(3) non profit organizations. The day to day operational procedures are defined in the DCOS Operating Guidelines.

Society By-Laws

Operating Guide
Officers and Trustees
President - William (Bill) Bodei
VP -Anthony Lombardino
Treasurer - Betty Rose
Secretary - Jennifer Timm
Madhu Chintala
Eileen Grohowski
Cheryl Monticchio
Elizabeth Shappert
Erin Woodworth
Auction Chair -OPEN
The great DCOS annual auction is the club's largest fundraiser. It is renowned for its high quality, rare plants. Its size, quality and depth of plant diversity are second to none. Serving as a volunteer on Auction day, or simply showing up and bidding on plants, participating in our auction is a great way to get involved, support the club and have some fun.
AOS Liaison
American Orchid Society Liaison - open
DCOS is proud to be an affiliate of the American Orchid Society. The primary responsibility of our AOS Liaison is to keep up to date on all AOS activities and act as the Society’s liaison with AOS judging at the Society’s Annual Show.
Committee Chair - Art Heath
Deep Cut hosts our annual Holiday Party for its members as well as delicious snacks and refreshments at our monthly meetings. Supporting these efforts is a tireless team of volunteers that truly deliver champagne style snacks on a beer budget. :) Bakers, budding chefs and anyone who enjoys the occasional snack are all encouraged to nourish their talents on our hospitality team.
Committee Chair - Anthony Meola
Participating in our exhibit committee is fun and rewarding. As a large and thriving society, Deep Cut is blessed to have an abundance of beautiful plants available to exhibit throughout 'show season'. The committee supports all the orchid shows DCOS participates in so there is always opportunity to get involved.
Editor - Anthony Lombardino
Our newsletter is a key touch point and give back to our members and constituents. It's always packed with useful articles, important dates, a monthly president's message, and beautiful orchid pictures from show tables past. We also encourage guest articles whether they are culture related, a funny orchid story, or a recap of an exciting orchid related event or trip. If you have a flair for writing, or have a background in journalism, our newsletter team might be "write" for you!
Committee Chair -Eileen Grohowski
Membership is the lifeblood of any club. Making sure new members always feel welcome, our membership committee has a team of greeters at each meeting and supports our culture corner to answer member questions about their orchids. If you're outgoing and love talking orchids, consider joining our membership team.
Committee Chair - open
Keeping the public aware of the great things our club does is key to staying relevant. Driving attendance to our shows and auctions assures the success and long-term financial viability of our club, and supports our vendors and sponsors. These two events provide a pipeline of prospects for our membership committee to cultivate. Maintaining an active presence on Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter are all areas in which active contributions from our members are encouraged. Ask us how.
Chair - Anthony Lombardino
Each month our club enjoys a presentation on a diverse variety or orchid related topics from a world class orchid expert. Many times these are famous and awarded growers and hybridizers. These growers will often supply door prizes, plants for the monthly raffle, and rare plants for sale. The DCOS Vice President oversees our monthly program and is supported by a team of volunteers that take pride in helping deliver a great experience each and every month.
Committee Co-Chairs- Helen Kroh, Bill Bodei
Deep Cut Orchid Society hosts the largest annual orchid show and sale in the greater NY area. When everything else is cold, grey and dreary, nothing beats an orchid show! Each winter people find themselves dazzled by the fragrance and beauty of almost 20 orchid displays. On sale are orchids from prestigious orchid growers, and learning opportunities exist for beginners and experienced growers during our lecture series. Along with our auction, our annual show and sale is a major source of fundraising for our club. Rooted in our success is the support of our members and the general public at large. It is because of our volunteers that we are able to deliver year in and year out one of the best orchid shows in the country.
Committee Chair - Bill Bodei
Technology seems to be at the center of everything these days. Working hand in hand with publicity, our ability to keep our membership and the public up to date in real time with useful information is anchored to a technical foundation. Whether its a modern website, an active social media presence, or leveraging digital imagery to capture and memorialize our events and blooms, the technology committee is always on the lookout for willing volunteers to support these efforts. Technical experience is nice to have, but not required to contribute. Anyone wishing to learn more about technology is encouraged to participate.